Ex-Members 43rd Annual Reunion Dinner and AGM

This year is our 43rd Annual Reunion Dinner and AGM which will be held on Friday 28th February.

We had a great turn out last year totalling 35 Members and raised £750 for the Company through subscriptions and participation in the raffle. It would be fantastic to beat those numbers this year so make sure you put the date in your diary and arrange to join us!

We have decided to return to last years’ venue, Ralston Golf Club, Strathmore Avenue, Ralston, PA1 3DT.

The price will remain the same as last year in the hope of encouraging more Members and “younger” Members to attend. If you have any contact details of ex-Members who may not have received this letter please send us a message in order that we can extend an invitation to them to join us.

The price of the evening is £25. The price for “younger” Members (under 20) and “older” Members is £20. For those of you who don’t already pay your subscription by Standing Order, £7 is due per Member, and it would be appreciated if Members could pay this prior to the evening of 28th February.

Payment details can be provided upon request by messaging via the Event on the Ex-Members Facebook page.